This is the Seventh session of Eight in the 2015 Internet Marketing Symbuzzium at the Hive in Paonia, Colorado. The topic is How to use Social Media to build trust and brand loyalty for your business online. Many people are confused about how to use Social Media for marketing. One thing has become apparent, that …
Facebook Edgerank – How to Level Up
Can’t find your Facebook ticker? Time to level up your Edgerank! Facebook was designed to be exponential. In reality, Facebook is a very precise profiling machine. Just think about it; Facebook knows your name, age, hobbies, friends, affinities, and what tattoos you have. They know what you like, everything you comment on, your passions via …
Google Authorship – Easy Setup for WordPress
You will need a working WordPress, a good quality photo of yourself (not a cartoon avatar) and an active Google Plus account. With these three items, most people can set up Google Authorship and get it working on WordPress in five easy steps:
Link Building vs. Social Share Enabling
Penguin, Panda, Over Optimization, what the heck is going on with my rankings you might ask. Well, I believe it really just boils down to search engine quality control. With a search engine, “quality” means “relevancy.” The search engine with the most relevant results wins the search battle. So don’t fret or scratch a hole …
Dennis Yu – Facebook Advertising and Marketing Exemplar
A few years ago (I think in 2006 or 7), I went to an affiliate marketing presentation at the Rocky Mountain Internet Users Group monthly meeting in Boulder, Colorado. It was not about Facebook advertising or social media, but the evening was interesting and worth the drive from Carbondale. After the meeting, at the reception, …
Dennis Yu – Facebook Advertising and Marketing ExemplarRead More